Are you looking for a gift for senior citizens

Are you looking for a gift for senior citizens

Are you looking for a gift for senior citizens

This festive season and the round the corner new year makes all people go on a shopping spree. Everyone is buying gifts for their friends and family, whether it is on the occasion of Diwali, Christmas or New Year. While you want your gifts to all to be thoughtful and nice, it is often a dilemma what to purchase so as to make the recipient happy. It becomes all the more an uphill task to get gifts for senior members of our family because of so many reasons. We all know that at this juncture of life they need love and companionship more than anything else. Because of our busy life, we are unable to spend as much time with them as we would like to. But at the same time it is our wish to shower them with the bliss of love and camaraderie of someone close. Waggfluence believes that one of the best gifts you could think of for such people is a pet. A puppy or kitten would be nice.

Studies have proven that caring for a pet and sharing love between them makes days livelier for the older people. It is quite common to see old people feeling neglected which leads to depression or anxiety feelings in them. Having a pet and shouldering the responsibility of another living being makes such old people look forward to things in life. Relevant data shows that having pets reduces the chances of various serious diseases and delays onset of many others. Dog ownership has many health and emotional benefits. The love and companionship of dogs has been known to reduce stress and lower blood pressure. Plus, exercising with your dog helps remain active and agile. Now that you know how good an idea it is to gift a puppy to your senior age relatives, we at Waggfluence will help you decide about it further.

Breeds of dogs suited for seniors :

Medium or small size dogs would be best for people in their golden age. A large dog could pose a falling hazard if they nudge their humans too hard. The best dog breeds for them would be ones with low maintenance and lower exercise needs. Depending on the age, lifestyle and abilities of the seniors, you can make a choice between a host of choices like Pomeranian, Poodle, Shih Tzu, Pug, French Bulldog among many others. These dog breeds are ideal for a more relaxed lifestyle. They also adapt well to the lifestyle of their owners and are less aggressive.

When making a choice of dog breed to be gifted, consider the size and location of their living quarters as well. Do they live in an apartment or condo or do they have a house with a backyard and lawn. Those residing in smaller spaces will need a less energetic pup as the pet will have little or no space to move around in the house. Also a dog with lower average weight would always be better than a heavy one. The breeds should require moderate exercise and should be relatively simple to train.

Dogs are one of the smartest animals and their companionship is one to cherish. With senior people, they adapt to their walking speed and are content to follow the living pattern of their owner. Since smaller breeds match the energy levels of their owners well, it is great to gift them to your senior relatives.

Since the recipient of the gift are your loved ones, you can make things easier for them by adding some dog grooming supplies and dog food to the gift. A thoughtful gift like a pup and an equally thoughtful gesture like adding pet supplies to the gift, will definitely make the recipient happy. Waggfluence knows how good a feeling it is to bring a smile on the faces of a loved one, so we assure you to make their pet parenting journey as easy for them as possible by making available all pet needs at their doorstep. Take the first step and we will make the rest easier and simpler. Happy gifting!

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