Excessive meowing and ways to stop it

Excessive meowing and ways to stop it

Excessive meowing and ways to stop it

Meowing is the natural conversational system of cats. They communicate with you and with the world with their meows. It could be just a voice to make people acknowledge their presence or it could be a cry for help or pain. Did you know that cats typically do not meow at each other once they become adults? They reserve their unique vocal language for their humans only. Cats’ meowing is a natural thing on their part. The problem arises when they meow excessively or when you feel that their meow is a cry of pain or a cry for help. There are different meow sounds that cats make at certain times. Let us try to understand the different types of meowing, their causes and how to fix the issue.

Reasons why cats meow non-stop

It could be seeking your attention- Even though cats can be on their own until they need food or water, they might crave for your attention if they feel ignored. Cat owners usually say that when they are busy with their work or occupied with friends and family, cats seek their love and time. When your cat is seeking your attention, they can be very loud and persistent. Take out some time to play with them and give them some love. Just putting it beside you and petting it could also be enough to satiate their attention demand. Respect the feelings of your kitty and make sure not to let it feel ignored or neglected. Prolonged periods of feeling unloved could trigger behavioural issues in them too.

They are excited to see you- Your kitty might become happy to see you if you are just home or they see you after a gap of time. Meowing a few times could be their way of greeting you and saying they missed you in your absence. Cats like to make their feelings and expression known and they become vocal to exhibit it to you.

They might be afraid or feel threatened- Cats could feel afraid of a situation or another animal or human being. If there is a thunderstorm or some loud fire crackers, they might find this noise very disturbing. This could make them cry for help or make them cover and hide in a place they deem safe. Cats could also meow uncontrollably if they feel threatened of an animal, either in the house or outside. Their fear is due to a perceived threat and their genuine fear leads to their excessive meowing. Bringing another pet home could make them feel intimidated by the new arrival and the cat may feel territorial about their space.

Mating season- If the cat has not been neutered, they become rather aggressive during the mating ritual. When cats are in heat, they become loud and the meowing is persistent. Cats are primarily active at night, and this loud communication can become very inconvenient for people around. The only solution to calm them and make them a more obedient pet is to neuter your cat when it is time. Ask your vet for the right age to neuter your kitty to avoid these unwanted situations.

They might be hungry- Some cats are always looking out for food, especially treats. Every time you enter the kitchen or your pantry, your cat in anticipation of some food may cry continuously. Cats in general can become very persistent when it comes to begging for food. The advice to all cat parents is to not feed them outside meal hours and not pay heed to their repeated meowing asking for treats. An overfed cat may soon become obese and certain cat diseases associated with it will soon follow suit. If you ignore the repeated meowing of your cat for food, they might learn not to repeat it as they begin to understand that it was a futile effort. Giving in to their demands will encourage them to meow excessively every time they want food.

They are sick- Certain ailments, both physical and emotional could make cats meow excessively. Some diseases like thyroid problems could leave your cat always feeling hungry or thirsty. Stress or pain could also make your cat meow constantly. If you feel that their meowing is a cry of pain, it is best to attend to them immediately and consult a vet for medical opinion.

They are getting older- As in other living beings, old age can make cats experience mental dysfunction or confusion. This could make them feel unsafe and uneasy, which could lead to the cats crying persistently, especially at night. Due to growing age they may have poor eyesight and thus become unable to find their way through the house. This disorientation may cause them to meow excessively, especially after dark. Older cats tend to suffer from arthritis and the pain in bones could be a reason for continuous meowing.

Listen to your cat

Attend to your cat when it is meowing excessively. If you think it is to get your attention, pet and play with them. A cry in pain should make you look for reasons and consult a vet immediately. Set a routine and feed them only during meal times. Keep their litter boxes clean every time as cats are very fussy about dirty ones. For older cats, get a heated bed to soothe their pain and install a night light to see better.

Deciphering your cat’s meowing will come naturally to all cat parents eventually. In case of any queries, consult your vet for professional advice. For all things happy and safe, trust Waggfluence for their pet supplies and support. Happy cat parenting!

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