How to keep your house clean with pets

How to keep your house clean with pets

How to keep your house clean with pets

Keeping your house clean and smelling wonderful can be a challenge if you have pets in your house. However, it is important to maintain cleanliness as it directly affects the health and happiness of both yours and your pet. It would be much easier if we could train our pets to use a certain space and not move around the entire house and occupy every piece of furniture turn by turn. Unfortunately, that cannot be done. Let us round up a few ideas to have a clean home and a happy pet.

To begin with, we should make sure to keep our pets clean. A dirty one will spread bad odor and filth all around and cleaning will remain a never ending job. Grooming pets will keep them clean and refreshed for days and brushing their coat will help get rid of loose hairs which otherwise would be strayed all around. Keeping cleaning items at strategic places also helps a lot. For example, if you clean your pet’s paws after they have had their outdoor sojourn and before they enter home, it can prevent dirt and dust from making an entry into your house. Brush them off to keep their loose hairs at the door itself because dogs and cats seem to shed more hair after they have rolled and played outside. Similarly react quickly to any mess made by them accidently because the longer you leave them, the more stink the surface will carry for a longer time.

Just like your pet it is important to keep their possessions clean as well. This includes their feeding trays and bowls, their water bottles, their bed, toys and clothes. The stench and germs existence in these if not cleaned regularly can be very harmful for the health of everyone in the house not to talk about the unpleasant smell that will continue to linger on. After cleaning their clothes and beds it is best to dry them out in the sun to help kill any remaining germs or odour.

There are a lot of options of vacuum cleaners that are designed specially to pick up odour and debris left behind by the pets. Go for those with a strong suction, a quality filter and a good brush head. Since pets love to lounge on sofas and carpets, investing in a vacuum cleaner that can tackle upholstery too will be a smart idea. Allowing fresh air to circulate can also make an incredible difference on persistent pet smells. If it is too cold outside, open your windows just for a short time to make all the difference you need.

At Waggfluence we love to talk about your pets and any connected stories of interest. For all your online pet supplies, you can trust us for the best and most reasonably priced products.


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