Natural flea repellents for dogs

Natural flea repellents for dogs

Natural flea repellents for dogs

Fleas are small insects that feed on blood and are very common in dogs. Depending upon temperature of the place where you stay, fleas are prone to infect your dogs in summer or throughout the year. These parasites flourish in warm and humid climate and multiply quite fast. They jump from one host to another and may infect other peats in close proximity. Not only are fleas disgusting to be infected with and unhygienic but they may also turn your pet anaemic as they feed continuously on its hosts’ blood.

Symptoms your dog is infested with fleas

If you notice that your dog licks, scratches, or bites himself more than normal and spends a good time doing all or any of these, chances are he is infested with fleas. You can do a regular check of your dog’s armpits, tummy and the base of his tail. If you see small brown fleck, it is most likely fleas. You know for sure that you are dealing with a flea situation if you find fleas in the flea comb after you have run it close to your dog’s skin.

Sometimes, especially if your dog is very furry, you might not spot fleas even though your dog is scratching and biting itself. This may be because the small pests hide well in the long furs. In that case look for brown flecks that do not move. If you spot them, place it on a paper towel and squirt it with water. If the flecks turn reddish, they are flea faeces which is actually digested remnants of your dog’s blood.

What to do

The most common procedure is to put your dog on preventive medication. Some treatments are oral, some are spot on while others are sprays. It is advisable to keep them on these medications all the year round, even in winters when the fleas are dormant.

If you find these methods toxic and conventional and they look like they are damaging your dog’s skin, then you may consider switching to natural remedies. These work just as effectively without any side effects.

Natural remedies

Coconut oil works great as a flea repellent. Rub a small amount of the oil in your hands and then work that into your dog’s fur. This will repel fleas and also help soothe itchy flea bites. In addition to this coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-yeast benefits. Do not use it on a regular basis as oil tends to attract dust.

Feeding your dog with apple cider vinegar is another effective way to combat fleas. Feed your dog half tsp per 25 pounds of its body weight and fleas get repelled because they do not like the taste of apple cider vinegar blood. Apple cider vinegar is also good for the gut health of your dog, thus making it all the more sought-after remedy to fight fleas.

Fleas like vampires do not like garlic. One fourth clove of garlic per ten pounds of your dog’s weight can be added to your dog’s food about a month before flea season. Garlic has added benefits of being anti-bacterial and anti-viral and is also good for his heart.

You can also try a raw Baltic amber collar. The raw amber creates electrostatic electricity that makes it so that fleas can’t hold onto your dog and they have to fall right off. This electricity does no damage to your dog.

Natural methods like any of these may be used to keep fleas off your dog’s back. They are better because they have no harmful side effects. Consult your vet if you have any queries.

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