Relocating with your dog

Relocating with your dog

Relocating with your dog

Moving from your home to a new one can be sad and stressful even if it is exciting for your career plans. It becomes all the more taxing and nerve-wracking if you have to move with your dog. The plan requires meticulous detailing so that your furry friend does not feel neglected and adjusts well to your new location. A few tips kept in mind can help you a long way.

Packing with a plan- When you pack your stuff, take care to put all your dog’s essentials in one place and mark the box accordingly. This will save you from looking for their stuff everywhere while unpacking. This helps be organized and have easy access to all their belongings in addition to ensuring no lost or misplaced items of your dog.

More love and attention- Your fur friend is already having a stressful time leaving behind familiar terrains and into an absolutely unacquainted one. This is the time he needs your attention and love more than before. Set up your dog’s space on a priority basis and give him a chance to warm up to his new space. It wouldn’t hurt to spoil them with new toys and treats. For this you can log into Waggfluence dog toys to get them exactly what they would like. Help them get through the move with some extra hugs and play time.

Keep up their routine- The body clock of your canine is attuned to a set pattern or routine. It is quite obvious that you will be busier in the first couple of days, but it is best not to hamper the routine of your dog. Take time out to give them their usual walk hours, their feed time, their play time with you and their nap hours. This is crucial to get your dog back on track early enough. During the course of his acclimation, he might be nagging or not his usual self. Be patient with him and attend to him if you think he is scared or depressed.

Your love is what keeps him uplifted at all times. Be extra generous to him emotionally and say encouraging words that he is doing great. Introduce him to your new friends and neighbors gradually and slowly. If you are moving to a new time zone give him time to adjust to jet lags. Consult your vet if he is showing more anxiety symptoms than you think are normal. Surprise him with new stuff like maybe a new hat or sunglasses from Waggfluence Dog essentials. Back to normal will be more smooth and uneventful with both of you available for each other!

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