My dog is not eating

My dog is not eating

My dog is not eating

If this is a complain you are having, we know how distressing it can be for you. When your pet does not eat, it bugs you every minute of the day irrespective of whatever you keep yourself engaged with. There are a variety of reasons for the loss of appetite of your dog. It may be both behavioural or related to an ailment. It is first important to determine the reason of loss of appetite and then design the best treatment plan.

Reasons your dog won’t eat

Illness- This is one of the most common reasons of your dog not eating, especially if he has been one that usually eats well. Just like in humans, certain illnesses cause a decreased appetite in canines. It is not alarming if this is for a couple of days as most dogs can go without food with no significant bad effects for two to three days. Sometimes it prolongs and this is when you need to consult your vet for a check up to rule out any serious illness.

Dental disease- Any kind of dental issues like broken or loose tooth or severe gingivitis can cause pain in the mouth and hence reluctance in their willingness to eat. Dental problems are very common in dogs because most go without brushing their teeth and the food gets stuck in between. Have them checked for it and resolve the problem at the earliest.

Recent vaccination- Vaccinations are an important medical routine of your dog that saves him from a number of serious and contagious diseases. But it may adversely affect their appetite temporarily. Since these are minor and brief and your vet warns you in advance after vaccinating him, there is nothing to fret about. Things come back to normal within a few days.

Travel or new place- Sometimes dogs suffer from motion sickness and any road trip may leave them feeling nauseous. Unfamiliar surroundings are also one of the reasons that may cause a temporary loss of appetite. Dogs are emotional beings and their attachment to their familiar locales is very understandable. Any shift of place may make them nervous and uncomfortable and cause a few weeks of loss of appetite in them.

Steps to take

When you have diagnosed the problem, it will be easier for you to take the next step. If the reason is any kind of physical ailment, your vet will put him on medications and advise accordingly. There are chances that he may recommend a prescribed diet to make things well. In severe cases, your vet may prescribe appetite-stimulating medications, recommend syringe feeding or insert a feeding tube.

If the reasons are more psychological, like shifting of place or a new adoption or bringing home a new pet, you are the best doctor. Make him comfortable to the new environment and spend some extra time with him to make him feel loved. Make meal time a fun time by using treat dispensing toys and encourage him to find the treats. Take him out on walks before meals to stimulate hunger.

At Waggfluence, we hope this helped you address your problem. Wishing you and your furry friend health and happiness today and always.

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