Wellness tests for your healthy pet

Wellness tests for your healthy pet

Wellness tests for your healthy pet

You might ask if it is essential for your healthy pet to visit a vet for wellness exams. Well, the answer is yes. Don’t we go for routine check-ups to ensure that all is functioning well in the body and there is nothing to be alarmed of. It is exactly that way with the pets as well. A regular follow up with a vet is absolutely necessary to establish their health, de-worm and vaccinate them.

Why is it important

Wellness exams can catch early warning signs of various diseases which seem to be common in pets, like arthritis, dental issues, obesity and more. It also helps you seek advise from your vet if a certain pet problem is bothering you. In wellness tests the vet first records your pet’s temperature, weight, pulse and respiratory rate. This information is vital for the vet to monitor the pet’s growth and the record can be referred to in the next visit.

Things to watch out for

Next comes a total examination of your pet including eyes, teeth, ears, skin, fur and hair. A routine check-up rules any kind of infection in the body which the pet owner may not know to find out. Dental problems being common in pets is mostly overlooked by pet owners. If there seems to be an issue, the vet may provide care tips to keep their teeth healthy.

The vet then goes on to feel your pet’s lymph nodes and abdomen. Any abnormality like swelling or tenderness goes unnoticed by the pet owners but a vet can tell you if there is a red flag. A wellness exam also consists of vaccinations, prescribing medications or deworming them as a routine procedure.

For senior dogs the frequency of wellness tests should be more as they are more prone to having health issues in comparison to their younger counterparts. Decide the regularity by speaking to your vet and seeking appointment likewise.

At Waggfluence we care for your fur baby even when all is well and happy. The pet grooming essentials and pet toys available here are designed to keep diseases at bay. Try them out for a stress-free pet parenting and a happy and healthy fur baby of yours.

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