While on a walk with your dog

While on a walk with your dog

While on a walk with your dog

A walk with your dog is some quality time you get to spend together. All dogs love to venture out into natural surroundings and if it is possible take him to a pet friendly park or a beach for that fresh air. There are a few details to consider before you take your dog out. If you are thinking of going on a long walk, take care not to tire him out especially if he is a pup or a senior dog. On a new trail or park, consider visiting it once on your own so that you make sure it is fine for your dog to walk there.

Before leaving your house remember to take a few things along. A leash is a must because there are some trails or parks that make it mandatory for your dog to be on a leash. Waggfluence waterproof long leash for dog may be exactly what you have in mind. If you think it might be dark before you return, try going for Waggfluence hands free smart design LED dog leash which has bright LED front lighting for a safe walk in darkness.

A water bottle is a must when venturing out with your dog, more so during summer time so as not to tire him due to dehydration. Waggfluence outdoor travel water bottle comes in as handy and effective for the purpose. You may carry some dog treats as well to reward him for a good behavior. If you are considering an adventurous trail with your dog which might involve long hours carry some soft fiber towels too.

A walk serves the dual purpose of giving him some exercise and also presenting an opportunity to sniff and explore. They get to know the trails by sniffing so it is important to take time and let them smell all the scents and become familiar. This sharpens their mental agility and makes them remember the smell of a particular trail.

The social behavior of your dog also enriches when you walk in a pet friendly park where there are more pets walking at that time. Your dog sniffs other pets and understands them, maybe even befriends them after sometime. You also make him learn to be around hoomans and thus make him more comfortable when you have visitors over at your place. In addition to all this a walk is great for the bones and gut health of your dog and therefore a must diurnal practice you should follow.

At Waggfluence we love the happy and healthy you and your pooch. For more pet supplies , think of us anytime, anywhere.

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